I want to take the time to release all the CC the community asked (please, go to my Next CC Release (on Computer) and send me your ideas if you don’t see something that could be important to do for a better inclusive community !!! I’ll probably finish this computer on mid-May.Īctually, I don’t really have the space to install it at home so, I’m currently negotiating to install it in my future office. I’ve learned many new things about Modeling, Texturing at my work and it will really help me to increase the quality of my CC and make me working quickly. I’m actually building a +3000€ computer, and it will help me very well to work in 3D (yup, I’m a professional 3D modeller now !). And that’s why actually it’s really difficult to take my time to work on new CC. I’m the only one who can make my dream to be a Photographer/Filmmaker living by this come true. My way to work changes and my mentality too (and actually, I want to live, not survive - ) It’s really important for me to work and make money. IRL, I’m working sooooo hard (last night, I slept at my work bc I had many things to do :’) don’t worry, I’m my own chief). (If you’re reading this without knowing me, I make some CC for disabled Sims on The Sims 4). Remind that I lost my old account by mistake so actually, I don’t really have the same success than before and it’s not easy for me to rebuild everything. It’s been a while since I haven’t posted here, so there is some news of me. There’s my config for the most curious of you :

I plan, after finishing my Next CC Release List (you can find it on my page from a computer), to create mods that I wish to do (like cyberpunk / grunge stuff) I also had big changes in my life, I’m engaged in awesome audiovisual projects (I’ll be the chief of imagery and machinery for a big castle fiction movie, I’ll be the director of 3 videoclips for a really ambitious metal group…) And I still don’t have many time to work on mods, even if I really want to respect my engagements, it’s actually really hard for me to focus on so much work.

I didn’t have a good pc and it started to be really hard to work correctly without crashing and really long TS4 loads. That’s one of the reasons that I don’t worked on mods since 1½ years. At my eyes, it’s a masterpiece 🤧 (I love the themed that I choose, I’m a really big fan of the Code Lyoko serie) I’m really happy to announcing the completion of my new computer with a really strong configuration for 3D !Īs a freelance, I worked really hard to save money and achieve it.